Abaraka bake Karanjanne

Com un baobab, amb un tronc gros arrelat a un poble que s'estimava com ningú.
Unes branques numeroses i més llargues del que ell s'hauria imaginat mai.

Unes fulles exposades al sol, conscient de que la fe alimenta l'ànima.

Amb infinits fruits que compartia i repartia a tothom que passava pel davant seu.

Abaraka bake Karanjanne, per cuidar-nos, per fer-nos sentir com a casa i per obrir les portes de Jali a la nostre associació.

Like a baobab, with a huge trunk established in a village that he loved so much.
With many branches, longer than he could have never imagined.
The leaves, taking the sun, aware that faith nourishes the soul.
With infinite fruits that he shared and gave to anyone who passed by.
Abaraka bake Karanjanne, for taking care of us, for making us feel at home and for opening the doors of Jali to our association.